Neck Pain Specialist

KC Physical Therapy

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist located in Murray Hill, New York, NY

At any given time, neck pain is stopping around 10% of adults from participating in their everyday activities. If neck pain is interfering with your life, physical therapy can help. At KC Physical Therapy, located in Murray Hill, New York, New York, expert physical therapist Dr. Christina Pillora can develop a treatment plan to relieve your neck pain and restore your quality of life without surgery. Call KC Physical Therapy to learn more, or book an appointment online today.

Neck Pain Q & A

What is neck pain?

Neck pain refers to pain or discomfort in and around your neck and can affect your nerves, bones, ligaments, discs, or muscles. Signs and symptoms of neck pain include:

  • Muscle tightness or stiffness
  • Muscle spasms
  • Pain when driving or using a computer
  • Decreased range of motion in your neck
  • Headaches
  • Pain radiating down your arms
  • Pain in your neck or shoulders
  • Muscle numbness, tingling, or weakness

Pain in your neck might feel like a dull ache or a shock that radiates down your arm. Neck pain may be the sign of a serious problem, so it’s important to check in with your doctor to rule out severe conditions.


What causes neck pain?

There are various factors can lead to chronic neck pain. Some common causes include:

  • A herniated cervical disc
  • Nerve compression
  • Arthritis
  • Meningitis
  • Cancer
  • Spondylosis (wear-and-tear of spinal discs in your neck)

One of the most common causes of neck pain is an injury to the neck. Neck strains can result from sports injuries, an automobile accident, movements that jerk the head, or even too many hours spent at a computer.


How does physical therapy relieve neck pain?

At KC Physical Therapy, Dr. Pillora uses various methods to ease neck pain and enhance healing:

Neuromuscular training

Dr. Pillora specializes in neuromuscular training exercises, which are targeted movements that can help strengthen your neck and the surrounding muscles to improve joint stability, enhance healing, reduce pain, and prevent future neck problems.

Stretching exercises

Dr. Pillora can work with you on specific stretching exercises that increase your range of motion, ease neck pain, and prevent future injuries.

Kinesio Taping®

Ask Dr. Pillora if you’re a candidate for Kinesio Taping for neck pain relief. This technique uses a flexible athletic tape that’s placed directly on the skin to facilitate healing, reduce pain, and stabilize muscles and joints.

Myofascial release therapy

With myofascial release therapy, Dr. Pillora applies manual pressure to ease pain in stiff or sore myofascial tissue, which is connective tissue that supports and protects your muscles. This technique also helps reduce neck pain associated with compressed (pinched) nerves.

When you’re ready for a noninvasive way to treat neck pain without medication or surgery, schedule a physical therapy appointment with KC Physical Therapy today or book an appointment online.